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Anodizing Process


Anodizing Process Tank Sequence
Tank Process Temp F Material Equipment Comments
1 Soak Clean 140 Steel or Polypropylene Heater (Steel or SS) Optional vent water vapor
2 Cold Water Rinse Ambient Steel or Polypropylene  Bottom fed, continuously overflowing
3 Alkaline Etch 140 Steel or Polypropylene Heater (Steel or SS) Vent hydrogen bubbles coated with caustic
4 Cold Water Rinse Ambient Steel or Polypropylene Bottom fed, continuously overflowing
5 Deoxidizer Desmut Ambient Polypropylene or PVC Air Agitate
6 Double Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or PVC Air Agitate
7 Anodize, sulfuric 25 to 72 Polypropylene or PVC, some use lead Chiller, Heat Exchanger, Rectifier Air Agitate, vent hydrogen bubbles coated with sulfuric acid. Chill against wattage input of d.c.power supply
8 Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or PVC Air Agitate, bottom fed, continuously overflowing
9 5% Nitric Acid Ambient PVC, but many use Polypropylene Change frequently because sulfate builds up.
10 Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or PVC Air Agitate, may cascade to Tank 8
11 Dye 140 Polypropylene, PVC, or stainless steel Heater (Steel or SS) Air Agitate. If stainless steel insulate the load bar. May have galvanic problems with stainless steel
12 Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or PVC Two rinses preferred, plus another for each different dye color
13 Seal 180- 212 Stainless Steel Heater (Steel or SS) Random Air Agitate
14 Hot Water Rinse 205 Stainless Steel Heater (Steel or SS) Change Frequently
7 Chromate Ambient Polypropylene or PVC Moderate Air Agitate
8 Stagnant Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or PVC See Figure 3-3
9 Stagnant Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or PVC
10 Stagnant Cold Water Rinse Ambient Polypropylene or